Sakai wrote:
Nice vid of the practice, Kelly.
I would greatly appreciate a script of some sort for the next practice. The script should include how you envision the flight order, speed, altitude, WPs and ground ops including the roll-out.
I have always wanted to do an 'Airshow' routine a-la "Tora Tora Tora" if you've ever seen their production. Very much scripted patterns.
Enjoyed it and cannot wait for the next practice and our live show. I think Pappy would be proud to say he is a part of our community.
The script will have to come from Weis or Bombr. The practice was not my show. My plan is to be 5k heading East to West in a straight line. bombers will dictate speed as they are slower.
Squads will form up without overlapping. If your warping I will ask you to drop out. The 4th will be above and forward or rear of main group. I may try both. In either case, no turns, so keeping in formation will be easy for all. I will need access to the OFFTIME command so that the evening sun will be low on the horizon. All 4th should run acmcams, several will be positioned thru out the formation as needed.