S3 Series

test tonite in MA
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Author:  =vslp= [ Sat Dec 07, 2013 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  test tonite in MA

gonna test a new strat script in the MA tonite toperhaps make large terrain more palatable to MA play. Also, been working hard on Jabo's idea of secoundary damage value system and have a beta test of a completely reworked object point value ,weapons, and plane damage value system that I intend to try out tonite during this strat script test.
It was put together along these lines

Its taken a butt ton of hours but here is what I have come up with.
Jman and I went thru our research and was able to put in some very real numbers for weapons vis a vis projectile weights. WE double check muzzle velocities, went into debug and did a .printtraj, and fired some weapons. This creates a ballistics test file in WB directory and gives you the MV and the KE penetration at any given range, which then helps us to set the ke armor value in the planes.txt damage file. We then set the point value on weapons beginning with the smallest (30 cal,303,7.9 etc) at 1 and assigning point values in proportion up from a point value of 1. Results were surprising and to spare all the details.....damage models for planes,ships,and tanks were completely all redone. Because of that then, all bombs,torps etc had to be redone, as well as all objpoints values on field targets.
Reason is so that we have , (more or less) the same reaction from all targets the same for all weapons across the board.
WE had crazy values such as tank guns doing 1000 pts of damage but 20mm doing only 10 or so....values in weapons and armor were not in proportion to one another from planes, to tanks, to ships....so no consistency in weapons damage to targets.
As a important side note.....anything with a flag of 6 ignores armor values in the planes.txt damage file.
I took flag of 6 off most weapons, cannons still shooting down airplanes like one might expect. This helped solve the issue of cannon armed airplanes strafing ships down in nothing flat as I ran ke armor up on ships so plane guns won’t damage them very well. I then added a flag of 6 to bombs torps to achieve desired results on ships, with them still working well against ground targets, and tanks.
AS of right now I have cv’s going down to 3 torps, 3 1000 lb bombs and dd’s going down to 2 torps and 1 or 2 1000 lb bombs, but you cannot strafe em down cept mebbe by making 4 sortes with full cannon load with 100 % hits......not likely.
Dan also fixed the sea mines, jman added some lifetime to them, so that sea mines will live in the water 3 hours, will live past the droppers lifetime, and they will sink ships. they are a positive added element to a tactical situation now for MA and S3 play.
I also worked out that the radius of bombs torps etc were very important to making ships go down as damage really needs to occur near a center of ship. If one dropped on nose or tail the blast radius was not large enough to effect any damage to the center, so a larger radius was added to torps to make them more effective to ships. bombs were kinda a balancing act as they are used both against ships, ground targets. I need to perhaps tweak several things but feel I am much closer. Ya gotta remember, that if a bomb/torp does....1000 pts of damage with a radius of 1000 ft ( for example) that at 500 ft its doing only 500 pts of damage as it damage decreases with range in the radius. Sometimes just adding radius fixes things
Right now plane damage is fairly universal with difference mainly in radial engined vs inline engs damages, and most buffs have universal values.
Tanks also have a universal damage file In armor, and possibly need tweaked to reflect different values in armor between the various models. Right now, I am just trying to achieve a baseline to go off of. Cv’s and dd’s are close now and I need to transfer in proportion that knowledge to the other ships.
I hopefully have the buffs reacting well at a buff tuff of 1 so that hopefully that issue can go away and players don’t feel that buffs are being treated unfairly.
I am planning on running a live beta test in the MA in conjunction with a new strat script tonite, and wanted to share with you my progress. Hopefully we may be able to be closer to same same values in the arenas with this......we will see.
I know several people read this board and not always the IEN board and wanted to post this just as a ageneral information notice and progress report of some going ons
Tonite is a beta test only, will run for a few hours, possibly overnight and then orginal values restored to the MA whilst I take what we learn, and work on touching up wht MAY be needed.....but its an important test and I wished to notify as many as possible

Author:  Sasquatch [ Sat Dec 07, 2013 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: test tonite in MA

Thanks for the update Sleepy! Looking forward to trying this out....BIG step in the right direction.

Author:  Beaver [ Sat Dec 07, 2013 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: test tonite in MA

<S> Wow, that is a ton of work, do you have anytime in particular this is going to start?

Author:  Madcat [ Sat Dec 07, 2013 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: test tonite in MA

Sleep, do we need to update for these things to work?
Or are we good to go if we updated in the last week?

Author:  =vslp= [ Sun Dec 08, 2013 12:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: test tonite in MA

only thing in updater right now is so your sea mines can work...I believe

Author:  Beaver [ Sun Dec 08, 2013 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: test tonite in MA

It did say it was a mandatory update, however :?

Author:  Gums [ Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: test tonite in MA

Sleepy, PLZ wait until S3 over or well underway.

As MA is "online", we may have a "downgrade" just as we start entering the S3 arena.

Gums sends...

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