Gums wrote:
Knock it off guys - Dobs and Dawg especially.
This forum has much more eperienced and talented sim/WB flyers and pilots than the Main. Good grief. Why post on the basic iEnt forums when most there do not fly S3? They do not see the immense torque/yaw stuff and do not fly an hour to reach the tgt in a buff.
If many or even a few of us have beefs with our "special" S3 models, then PLZ listen and put your "pride of authorship" aside. We all know the hours and hours tweaking the models, and thanks, but the latest few downgrades are far more than tweaking. When we have dozens of folks here that have been thru dozens of changes to the basic WB program and models, then fer chrissakes admit it!!! Some of us have been here before youse guys!!!
Ch 100 is for dweebs, and we have S3 main forum for stuff besides using ch 100 - what is ch 100??? Just kidding.
The flap thingie for the B-29 is not acceptable, BEAM ME UP!!!
So much for the cosmic modeling if a simple feature does not work.
Gums whines....
You tell us to knock it off and then insult the modelers. Physician heal thyself.
There isn't much to modeling the flaps deployment. It consists of putting a speed in mph in a file for each notch of flaps.
If the flaps WONT come down for a few people it isn't very likely that it is a an issue with that particular models file. If it were the issue would exist for everyone.
I occasionally run into issues deploying flaps on various models and attribute to one of several more likely causes.
1. My input hardware (CH Pro Throttle HAT switch)
2. My CH Control Manager software
3. The interface between the CH product and Warbirds
4. Something in the global code that causes flap selection to be ignored since it happens across several aircraft types.