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 Post subject: for info
PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:53 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 4:45 am
Posts: 209
There is a test script running in the MA at fields 35/76 and 22/23.

The script is running at a 2 min cycle.
Capturing a field will trigger the script and after a short time will restrict planes from rolling at both locations.
Once the restriction is applied, a buffer message alerts you to the fact and only GVs will be able to spawn at both fields.
allowing a localised ground war to take relatively unmolested from zombie Il2s and suicide buffs.

When both fields in a pair are the same colour again, full plane set become available again at both locations.

If you stumble into the main and wonder what happening when you see a buffer message relating to these fields or it says a plane is not available when you try to spawn one there... this is why.


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 Post subject: Re: for info
PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 12:30 am 
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Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2013 3:04 am
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I don't know what is going on, but this "script" is causing a lot of people to become frustrated with your game. Please consider having the script removed as it is ruining the gameplay of the Main Arena. I can tell you from experience tonight that the entire game came to a halt at 76/35. We have been STUCK there for 3 hours. Subscribers are calling the game WarTanks, instead of WarBirds.

The Main Arena is losing its appeal to a lot of people because of this change and the "remote spawn point" for the tanks. I can understand why the M16 was moved off the field, but it makes no sense to not have tanks to defend the field.

Please let me know what you are going to do about these matters, so I can let the full squad know. Then, we can decide what we're going to do after that.

Darryl <S>
CO of the Doolittle's Raiders

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 Post subject: Re: for info
PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:40 am 
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Location: テキサス - Lae, 1942
~S~ Darryl,

I am not sure I fully understand your post. Perhaps I am reading too much into it, since the web removes intonation and meaning from dialogue and in some cases can add ambiguity to certain statements.

The last sentence of the first paragraph, you talk of subscribers calling the game 'WarTanks', then the very next sentence, you speak of the Main losing appeal because of changes to "TANK" spawn points. Can you reconcile the two statements? Have you lost an appreciation of the Main because of tanks or because they moved tank spawn points.

Your last sentence, you ask for information on what Bill plans to do on these matters so that you can inform the full squad...then you give an ultimatum on what your guys are going to do. Thats shitty.

First off, there are many in this game who laud the testing of ideas that can enhance this game. The only way to implement new ideas successfully is to test them with real people. If you have an issue with whats going on, post your grievance not a veiled threat. I loath that tactic and it causes me to think your vision for this game is not in the best interest of the community. For too many years, ideas went unacknowledged and tested, which resulted in a mass exodus on a large scale. What do you plan to do if the testing continues or if the script is determined to have a place in the game? What are the choices in your decision?

I refrain from public comments on squad tactics and behavior and have let a lot slide from your guys because I have no personal issue with any of you. I enjoy some of our fights, but far too many contain dweebish acm and sketchy motives that do a dishonor to the Lt. Col. Doolittle and his crews. Your post above reminds me of the very same dweebish behavior.


~Sakai - 坂井
Tainan Kokutai - 台南

Akatombo | White 576 | Curtiss AVG

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 Post subject: Re: for info
PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 5:11 am 
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If you check the iEN boards you'll see that I was about as against this new script as one could possibly be.

I just happened to be online looking at something else when Sleepy caught me and we went to a private channel on TS, mostly talking about other issues. Still logged in to Warbirds, Hitone sent me a PM asking if I would come to their channel to "chat". Seeing some of the names on their channel, I was somewhat reluctant and expected to be read the riot act when I arrived.

Quite the opposite, Hitone and Bollok were very polite and patient, and explained their idea much better than what was explained in the original post on the iEN forums. Still completely against anything that would take away airplanes from the game, I was convinced that there would be the potential of enticing the GV crowd into their own little ground war between these four fields (two paired fields, one for each side). If it could accomplish that where the GV's spend the majority of their time battling between these four fields, leaving the rest of the map alone (for the most part), then yes, I look at it as a win.

If it were to ever evolve to where every paired field on the map was set up like this, then I would be back to hating it immensely. If you're into steering Warbirds away from being a GV dominated game like it sadly has become, then I think this is a worthwhile test.

I recommend learning how the script works and giving it a shot. If you don't want to be involved in the ground war, leave these fields for your last target. Once you're to the point to resetting the map, just close and capture the outpost at the paired field. Once that happens, it should be relatively easy to close and capture the remaining field.


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 Post subject: Re: for info
PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 7:47 am 
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I'm sorry, but that post was meant for WLDBIL. I am not very saavy about these forums and where to post messages. Apparently, I didn't express myself clearly enough.

I know the a/c restriction script was a test. It has failed in the estimation of most of the people who play the game nearly every day. Since you don't fly as often as you apparently read/post on these forums, you may not be hearing from the "gang." But, I do hear it from across many different squads. As I posted originally, I spent three hours stuck at F76/F35. Those who were here before me had been on it before I arrived. That very fact tells me it is NOT good for the game.

The point I made regarding the remote spawn point for the tanks/M16. This has had the same effect on the morale of those playing the game. We all agreed that the M16 was a sore spot and it was good that there was a delay for reupping it on the field. But, the tanks didn't have the same issue with regard to shooting down the a/c attacking the field. Therefore, why can't it be returned to the field? It should be allowed to be used to defend the field without the same constraints as the M16.

As for reading a veiled threat into what I said, let me be perfectly clear. I will notify the squad of what WLDBIL decides to do and we'll either continue to play with those constraints or we won't. Not a threat, SAKAI. It is our prerogative to play a game that wasn't broken vs. a game that we believe is now broken. This issue is not opposed by just one squad. I have heard from several squads. So, don't make this out to be LESS than what it is. That clear enough?

Test away, SAKAI. I have seen many tests come and go over the years. I am not opposed to testing. Testing is good. Where you came up with the idea that I was against testing has me puzzled. My opposition to the script was not some tactic you should loath. I simply reserve the right to let ya know how I feel about those tests. Can ya cut me some slack on that, sir? There have been several things that have been modified that everyone was in agreement. For example:

1. Booting all players to the tower at reset (that was huge improvement)
2. Modifying the tank turret elevation (not so many a/c kills by tanks anymore)
3. Adding new a/c and gv to the menu (good variety)

Warbirds is a game. It isn't real. It can never be considered reality. However, the people who play the game are real. Over the last six years, I have met some very nice people and some really mean people. I have become friends with many men from around the world. Within our little bunch of squaddies, we have dealt with real life issues. Fellas getting married, divorced, having children, losing children, losing jobs, changing jobs, becoming sick with various diseases, and even dying. From that stand point, the time spent on WB is very real. Frankly, that is the only reason that I have continued to play this game.

SAKAI, thanks for cutting us some slack until now. Too bad, it couldn't have lasted longer. How dare you try to accuse us of dishonoring Jimmy Doolittle and his crews. You confuse reality vs. non-reality. We, the Doolittle's Raiders, have done nothing but try to improve on our skills and gameplay over the years. From where I stand, there are plenty of others who could stand some improvement. We may not be as good as you, sir, but we have come a long way. I hope you have seen that, along the way. So, I don't appreciate your final comments, at all.


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 Post subject: Re: for info
PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 8:39 am 
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Todzilla wrote:
If you check the iEN boards you'll see that I was about as against this new script as one could possibly be.

This board takes up more time than I really want to spend, already. So, no, I won't be going to the iEN boards, sir. But thanks, anyway.

I just happened to be online looking at something else when Sleepy caught me and we went to a private channel on TS, mostly talking about other issues. Still logged in to Warbirds, Hitone sent me a PM asking if I would come to their channel to "chat". Seeing some of the names on their channel, I was somewhat reluctant and expected to be read the riot act when I arrived.

Quite the opposite, Hitone and Bollok were very polite and patient, and explained their idea much better than what was explained in the original post on the iEN forums. Still completely against anything that would take away airplanes from the game, I was convinced that there would be the potential of enticing the GV crowd into their own little ground war between these four fields (two paired fields, one for each side). If it could accomplish that where the GV's spend the majority of their time battling between these four fields, leaving the rest of the map alone (for the most part), then yes, I look at it as a win.

TODZLA, it is not contained to those fields. Those fields are in close proximity to other fields. When those fields are taken by either side, it becomes a launch point to those other fields. If the each side would agree not to utilize F76 and F22 as a base of operations for bombers, then I could see your point. But, come on.... haha. If we had "left F76 alone," F1, F12, F13, F10, F11 all become vulnerable to attack.

If it were to ever evolve to where every paired field on the map was set up like this, then I would be back to hating it immensely. If you're into steering Warbirds away from being a GV dominated game like it sadly has become, then I think this is a worthwhile test.

We have learned that before we can troop F35 or F13, we must first close the adjacent airfield and clear out all the ground vehicles. There's the solution to this issue. It has nothing to do with a script. It has everything to do with strategy, which is best left up to the players. We coordinate such attacks with intersquad/intrasquad communications and it has been working for years. This script is having adverse effects on gameplay, already.

I recommend learning how the script works and giving it a shot. If you don't want to be involved in the ground war, leave these fields for your last target. Once you're to the point to resetting the map, just close and capture the outpost at the paired field. Once that happens, it should be relatively easy to close and capture the remaining field.

TODZLA, I have learned how it works. It doesn't take that long to figure it out and how it impacts the game. Tonight, we had same thing happen again at F76/F35. Lots of others complaining about it, too. Some of them from your own squad. Anyway, those are my thoughts. I hope others will voice their opposition to it and WLDBIL takes it all into consideration.


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 Post subject: Re: for info
PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:25 am 
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Link on the iEN forums:



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 Post subject: Re: for info
PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 12:53 pm 
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Joined: Wed Nov 13, 2013 2:53 am
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Difficult to discuss something with someone who won't read the boards about ideas and a willingness of people to work on improving the sim for all the players and whose logic consists of using words like stupid and ridiculous.
A refusal such as this accompanied with threats on leaving if I don't put it back and to go to Bill to have me removed indicates the level of our discussion....which I simply refuse to have.....theres no point.
Its a test, pure and simple. someone had an idea that might improve gameplay. We have the ability to work on and try new things now, more so than ever before. They are discussed amongst the players, thrown up on the boards for discussion, perhaps modified etc....and then if thought possibly viable, thrown into arena for live tests.
When met with the above unwillingness, and actual potty mouthed abuse of a cm ( ihad to boot someone) then for myself......I have nothing to discuss with the man.
I don't respond well to blackmail.........or verbal abuse......at all.
Its redeemable however.......
My apologies to the s3 community. This thread should be on the IEN forum.
Bollok, don't worry about it, I understand your trying to do a good thing

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 Post subject: Re: for info
PostPosted: Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:40 pm 
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Darryl wrote:

SAKAI, thanks for cutting us some slack until now. Too bad, it couldn't have lasted longer. How dare you try to accuse us of dishonoring Jimmy Doolittle and his crews. You confuse reality vs. non-reality. We, the Doolittle's Raiders, have done nothing but try to improve on our skills and gameplay over the years. From where I stand, there are plenty of others who could stand some improvement. We may not be as good as you, sir, but we have come a long way. I hope you have seen that, along the way. So, I don't appreciate your final comments, at all.


I understand. You guys are a good squad and are some lethal opponents, yourself included. I have noticed great improvement in all aspects and ~S~ you all for your work. I would hope you can do the same for the guys putting in time to make this game better and be part of the (re)growth of Warbirds. Give the new ideas time and effort to work themselves out. If you have an issue with it - state the issue but I think you should avoid an '...or else' condition.

As far as slack - I will and always give it as it is given to me.

~S~ Darryl

EDIT - 09:00: Just saw the thread on iEN forum. Comments here were posted prior to reading the iEN thread.

~Sakai - 坂井
Tainan Kokutai - 台南

Akatombo | White 576 | Curtiss AVG

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 Post subject: Re: for info
PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 4:45 am 
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Joined: Tue Nov 12, 2013 3:04 am
Posts: 417
Cool it with the martyr business. I have told you many times how I appreciate your work and everyone else's who makes this game happen. So, how about letting the gang hear that side of the story, too.

You are too sensitive, sir. When I criticize something, don't take it to be throwing the baby out with the bath water. I played the script, I don't like the script, I think it throws the game out of whack, and I stated such.

You're gonna do what you want to do, anyway. I've tried to have conversations with you, but you won't discuss our concerns in real time.

This conversation is here because BOLLOK put it here, not me. Remember? Frankly, this IS a board and I posted what I thought about your script, sir. It is not blackmail or verbal abuse from me. TODZLA sent me a direct link to where that "discussion" was located in that other forum and I posted the same info there, FYI.

NOTE TO THE S3 COMMUNITY: By the way, I have never been booted from the game because of a "potty mouth", as implied in this thread by VNSLP. I don't appreciate his leaving you with that impression of me.

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