S3 #64 -West Wall Eagles; Germany 1945 - B2B Series

Game Settings

  • Allied Players(green) - 116 est
  • Axis Players(gold) - 93 est
  • Icons – d24 friendly, d12 range, d6 enemy plane
  • Winds – none
  • Clouds - heavy clouds, all levels
  • Radar20 mile radius with inflight arrow & grey indicators. Minimum alt is 500 ft.
  • Flak - all Flak is limited to 40,000 ft. in height.
  • Allied Airfields(green) - west of frontline
  • Axis Airfields(gold) - east of frontline
  • Fuel Multipler - set at 1.0 for all planes
  • Rebuild Time - 300 mins
  • Game Length – 180 mins
  • Lives – 1 life per frame
  • Game Scale - 1 squad = 1 historical unit and 1 frame = 1 week of operations.

Basic Rules

Initial Format - subject to change before the first frame.

Start Times - each frame uses the following schedule;

  • T+0 - Dawn, both sides may launch.
  • T+160 - Dusk, last surface attacks completed all a/c must disengage ASAP. AI routines unloaded.
  • T+180 - Near dark, all squads must be in tower or on final.

Operational Area - only those areas indicated on the Game Board may be used. Targets in England CANNOT be attacked and airbases in England CANNOT be used for operations.

A/C Restrictions - each squad has an a/c pool from which they must subtract losses and assign their own a/c for each frame. The at start a/c numbers for each squad are available the A/C table. Losses from all causes are checked on the S6 site after each frame. Each squad is then responsible for removing those a/c losses from their available a/c pool. If a squad finds it does not have enough a/c to outfit its available pilots they may use the two reserve a/c types to continue operations. As always a player may only fly one a/c type during a frame.

Me262/B - only designated F,S squads may use the 262 jet. This a/c must be used for strike purposes only. Such strike pilots must always carry ord and if they engage in combat it must be to escape interception and not conduct pure fighter operations. The ONLY A2A Options are; Me262/Bs may make one pass at an enemy fighter to clear a wingman that is in danger of being caught. Me262/Bs may escort a fellow jet home that is on one engine and protect it by any means possible. Anything more than this will result in the Me262 ruled lost and an airframe removed from that squads arsenal.

FW190A/Bf109G6 - each of these two main a/c types have two variants and pilots may choose either one during a frame if assigned such a class of a/c. As always a player may only fly one a/c type during a frame.

Squad Homebase - each squad is assigned a homebase to begin play based upon the step value of the various fields. After their initial sortie they may replane at other airfields only if they are able to accommidate their step value and all other squads based there. This is the Frame COs responsiblity when reassigning squads during play.

  • Small or TAC Field = 2 steps
  • Medium Field = 3 steps
  • Large Field = 4 steps

Field Bugs - several tac fields have buggy spawn points. Some have sticky grass and some have ditch bugs. Please review the map for indicators. Those fields with a D near them have ditch bugs and those with a S have sticky grass. The spawn points effected are indicated except for T43 which only has sp10 working, the rest are all sticky grass. Ditches or sticky grass landing accidents can ask for a reset but please try and use the proper spawn points.

Supply Lines - each side has 6 supply routes made up 6 GVs each, indicated by a yellow line on the map. They proceed at a set rate along these routes during each frame. GVs will start and proceed back and forth along the indicated supply lines respawning as the column is destroyed. Interdiction of supply lines causes an interruption in operations to the enemy. For every 12 supply GVs destroyed in a frame(fractions rounded down) the effected side must designate one step to delay operations until T+30. This is in addition to the delay imposed by tac town destruction. One squad may use up multiple delays, ie if one squad sits two steps until T+30 to begin play this uses up 2 supply impositions.

Supply Depots -each side has 16 supply locations, indicated by the star symbol on the map. Each supply location can be attacked until it is ruled damaged. If a side damages all available supply locations more will be added or reactivated as needed. A damaged supply location causes supply problems to the owning side for the frame after it is ruled damaged. The following effects occur depending on the type of supply location;

  • Tac town - one step of a/c(6 a/c) cannot begin play until T+30.
  • Oil Industry - at start fuel levels are reduced by 10% for the owning side.
  • Other Industry - each squad must reduce their a/c pool strength by 1 per step for the series.
  • Port - each squad must reduce their a/c pool strength by 2 per step for the series.

Tank Concentrations - each side has 4 tank concentrations made up of 4 tanks each, indicated by the tank symbol on the map. They are static and located in and around the spawn point buildings. Tank concentrations will respawn once they are destroyed but the exact time for respawning is unknown.

Airfield Damage - every airfield ruled closed during play remains unoperational next frame. Squads cannot use that airfield for operations but individual a/c may land and replane there if needed. The frame after being closed it is again operational and can be closed again.

Ditching - aircraft that land at non-airbases cannot fly from there but individual pilots will be allowed to grab a truck and drive to the closest airfield to replane. Once replaned the pilot must RV with his squad either at its homebase or in the air. Pilots must do their own driving because if they are picked up it causes issues with the log.

Scoring - each side scores points for a/c shotdown, pilots KIA/Captured, surface damage and GVs destroyed. All scoring is pro-rated with the side with the lower turnout getting an increased percentage of points they earned based upon the difference.

  • Aircraft(confirmed kills) = Fighters/Strike(0.5), Medium Bombers(1.0), Heavy Bombers/262s(2.0)
  • Bridge Targets = 1.0 per span
  • Port Targets = 1.0 per structure
  • Industry Targets = 0.5 per structure
  • LAF, MAF, SAF Targets = 0.5 per structure
  • TAC Targets = 0.10 per structure
  • AAA = 0.10 per gun
  • GVs = Tanks(1.0), other GVs(0.25)
  • Pilots KIA/Captured = first three ranks(0.25), last three ranks(0.10)

Victory Conditions - Victory conditions are based upon the two series in this B2B event. All scores are cumulative and a winner is declared based upon the points accumulated for both series. Team Chaos is compared to Team Havoc for a final total. Total points are compared to determine the following results;

  • 0-20 point difference is a draw
  • 21-30 point difference is a minor victory for the side with the greatest number.
  • 31+ is a major victory for the side with the greatest number.

S3 Clarifications - the S3 staff reserves the right to make a ruling on questions or game situations not answered completely or missed by the rules. For further clarification please post on the S3 forum or email Jabo.

[ Aircraft - Series Map - Player Rules ]