S3#85 – The Slot; Solomon Islands - Winter 1942/43

Game Settings

  • Japanese Players(red) - 61 est
  • Allied Players(green) - 69 est
  • Icons – d24 friendly, d12 range, d6 enemy plane.
  • Clouds - none except for Frame 3 which will be storm frame.
  • Radar – 10 mile radius, coloured dots, inflight arrow. Minimum alt is 500 ft.
  • Flak - AAA limited to 20,000ft in height.
  • Japanese Airfields(red) - West of Frontline and 1 coastwatcher east of line.
  • Allied Airfields(green) - East of Frontline and 6 coastwatchers west of line.
  • Fuel Multipler - set at 1.0 for all planes.
  • Rebuild Time - 300 mins
  • Game Length – 180 mins
  • Lives – 1 life per frame
  • Game Scale - 1 squad = 1 historical unit and 1 frame = 1 set of operations.

Basic Rules

Initial Format - changes after in bold italics.

1. Start Times - each frame uses the following schedule;

  • T+0 - Full Light(12:00), Flight enabled for all forces.
  • T+160 - Dusk(21:00), last surface attacks completed all a/c must disengage ASAP.
  • T+180 - Dark(01:00), all squads must be in tower or land in the dark.

2. Operational Restrictions - each side may only conduct operations in the area outlined in the game map.

3. CM radar & reports - with the use of coloured dots in radar CM reports are not as common but they will happen so plan operations realistically.

4. Weather - in frame 3 a storm will effect both sides with heavy cloud at all levels and poor low light conditions.

5. Coastwatchers - a new field type, the coastwatcher makes its debut in the Solomons Terrain. These cannot be attacked or destroyed during the series and represent the various small detachments each side had on the islands to report enemy air and sea movements. The purple login home field F48 also cannot be destroyed.

6. Secondary A/C Damage - the S3 secondary damage makes all aircraft more fragile with an increased likelihood of loosing their stabs. Bomber otto has been increased to deter rear 6 attacks. Bomber tuff is set for 1.0 in this series so the best cover for strike a/c is fighter escort. The new MA planes and weapons files will be used for the series. The regular S3 object files will still be in use and an attempt to make the ships sinkable with a more realistic amount of ord while still using the MA ship damage settings.

7. Aircraft Types - each squad has a list of a\c types in the A/C Table that they may fly during a series. There are no limits on a/c types to be flown during the series.

8. Seaplane Restrictions - only the Val and Kate may use seaplane bases to operate from. These sub for the various Japanese floatplanes and must take off and land in a smaller area directly infront of the spawn point on the water. Ships and a/c border the area in question for landing purposes.

9. Squad Basing - each airfield has a limited amount of squad steps as well as types it may base during a frame. Squads may move to a new airfield only if there are enough steps and types available to move there during play. Larger squads may have to base at two or more airfields during play. Squads that sign-off for the night free up their base to be used by other squads.

  • small fields, grass fields and seaplane bases = 1 step
  • medium fields and CVs = 2 steps
  • large fields = 3 steps

10. Static Ships - static shipping is present off many ports, seaplane bases and airfields. Some static convoys and patrols are far removed from nearby bases and indicated on the map. These static ship targets will be ruled destroyed after sufficent damage is done to them and removed from play for subsequent frames. Some static ships have AAA defending them and AI ships may be anchored nearby to provide some needed defensive fire so approach and plan carefully.

11. AI Ships - AI shipping from both sides will be moving or anchored throughout the area. Most of these ships will fire on attacking a/c, the one exception being CVs which will depend on their DD escort for AAA protection, they will not alter course or defend themselves. General routes of the main AI shipping targets are indicated on the map but are just estimated tracks, good recce is still required. AI shipping always scores more than static shipping.

12. CV Groups - each side has two possible CV groups, one in the south and one in the north. They can have 0-3 CVs and 0-12 DDs in each group and this changes from frame to frame depending on the force allocated by High Command. Each CV may base 2 steps of a/c for the frame. CV groups have a set course for each frame travelling at 30mph with little direction changes during a frame. They never get closer than 60 miles from enemy CVs but can approach quite close to enemy fields and are not limited to their side of the frontline.

13. Ground Targets - all ground targets except trees, AAA, the home base light tower and coastwatcher emitters score points if destroyed. Primary ground targets are parked a/c, ship docks, ammo and fuel dumps with other targets worth a lesser amount of points.

14. Frame Damage - fields ruled closed during play will remain so for the rest of the series, they will be destroyed before the next frame begins with all associated objects. Any partial damage will rebuild between frames, only those fields closed will be carried over from frame to frame. Many fields have attached static ship targets and these must go down to for field closure. Trees, tower and AAA are not needed for field closure. Some fields may become reopened if captured by the moving front.

15. Ship Nav - there is no ship navigation allowed.

16. Ship Gunning - do not do this! You will get a penalty plane. AI flak is much more accurate than a player will ever be so you are only hurting your side by grabbing a gun.

17. Penalty Planes - players that commit errors in basic rules and do not attempt to correct the error during play will have a penalty plane assigned to them. Examples include flying different a/c during a frame, teleporting fields when not allowed by special rules, gunning from ships or flak positions. It is up to each squad to make sure the penalty planes are flown. These transport planes need to complete one designated supply mission provided by the CM and the pilot can resume normal operations if they land their a/c successful at the end field.

  • Axis Penalty Planes - Ju52
  • Allied Penalty Plane - C47

18. Victory Points - victory points are awarded for confirmed kills of e/a, ships sunk, and ground objects destroyed. A full list is provided in the map PDF and summary. Due to a shortage of strike a/c pilots the Japanese have a slightly higher points system for some target types.

19. Victory Conditions - The side with the most VPs at the end of the series wins.

20. Frame CO Assignments - on the squad roles will be a listing of squads that need to assign a Frame CO for a frame. This will rotate through from event to event and every squad will know ahead of time that they need to supply someone lead their side during a frame. On a rotation basis to allow everyone the opportunity to lead. Individual players that like to Frame CO, a rare breed indeed, may offer their services to a squad for their slot during an event to free up players that like doing what they do best. It is up to the particular Squad CO to accept these stand-ins and confirm their frame CO slot.

S3 Clarifications - the S3 staff reserves the right to make a ruling on questions or game situations not answered completely or missed by the rules. For further clarification please post on the S3 forum or email Jabo.

[ Aircraft - Series Map - Player Rules ]