S3 #52 - Raiders Over England - October 1940

Luftwaffe Turnout SV Role Aircraft
JG2 3 1 F Bf109E1
VF15 8 2 F Bf109E1
JG27 14 3 F Bf109E1
332nd FG 8 2 F Bf109E1
475th FS 5 1 F Bf109E1
Nomads(22nd,305th,550th,AG-8) 8 2 B Ju88A4
Menacing Ferrets 10 2 B,S Bf109E1/Ju88A4/Bf110C4/Ju87D
Night Stalkers 8 2 B,S Bf109E1/Ju88A4/Bf110C4/Ju87D
Knights of Ni 5 1 B,S Bf109E1/Ju88A4/Bf110C4/Ju87D
Axis Total 83 19 -
RAF Turnout SV Role Aircraft
4th FG 17 3 F Spit I M03
31st FG 18 3 F
Spit I M03
352nd FG 18 3 F Spit I M03
416 RCAF 16 3 F Spit I M03
CG2 - TF17 3 1 F Spit I M03
CG2 - 100th FBG 4 - F Spit I M03
CG3 - 401 RCAF 2 1 F Spit I M03
CG3 - 417 RCAF 3 - F Spit I M03
CG4 - Pale Horses 6 2 F Spit I M03
CG4 - American Eagles 6 - F Spit I M03
RAF Total 93 16 - -
Grand Total 176 35 - -
  • CG/BG = Composite Groups/Bomb Groups where smaller squads with 1-4 pilots average turnout are attached to a larger squad for planning purposes only.
  • Turnout # = averages based upon last event, only those pilots that made 3 or more frames are counted.
  • SV = Step Value, relative size of a squad(1 = 1-6, 2 = 7-12, 3 = 13-18, 4 = 19-24, 5 = 25+)
  • A/C = squad assigned a/c, this may change as pilots upgrade in later frames.
  • * = turnout changed due to squad CO estimates

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