S3#97 – Fall Gelb 2; France - May, 1940

Luftwaffe Turnout SV Role At Start Aircraft
Luftflotte 6(JG51/JG77/TK) 12 2 F Reinforced Frame 4 - Bf109E4
23rd FG 12 2 F Reinforced Frame 3 - Bf109E4
475th FG 10 2 F Reinforced Frame 2 - Bf109E4
Nomads(22nd,305th,AG-8) 2 1 B He111H(x2), Do17(x1), Ju88A4(x1), Ju87D(x1)
Night Stalkers 3 1 S,F He111H(x1),Ju88A4(x1),Bf110C4(x1),Bf109E1(x1),Ju87D(x1)
Dolittle Raiders(DRs) 14 3 B,F Bf110C4(x2),Bf109E1(x1),Bf109E3(x2) / He111H(x2),Do17(x1),Ju88A4(x1),Ju87D(x1)
Luftwaffe Total 53 11 - Reinforcement A\C = Bf109E4\Ju88A4 - Penalty Plane = Ju52
Allied Turnout SV Role At Start Aircraft
4th FG 12 2 F Hurri IA(x2), Hawk 75(x2), Fokker XXI(x1)
352nd FG 13 3 F Hurri IA(x2), Hawk 75(x2), Fokker XXI(x1)
RCAF 127 Wing(401/416/417) 6 1 F Hurri IA(x2), Hawk 75(x2), Fokker XXI(x1)
American Eagles + 8th FG 8 2 F Reinforced Frame 4 - Spitfire IA
The Knights That Say Ni / 69th CG 9 2 B,F Hurri IA(x2),Hawk 75(x2),Fokker XXI(x1) / Wellington(x2),Blenheim( B25Cx2),Battle(Katex1)
Allied Total 48 10 - Reinforcement A\C = Spitfire IA\ Wellington - Penalty Plane = C47
Grand Total 101 21 - -
  • Turnout # = averages based upon last event.
  • SV = Step Value, relative size of a squad(1 = 1-6, 2 = 7-12, 3 = 13-18, 4 = 19-24, 5 = 25+)
  • A/C = squad assigned a/c steps. All steps must be flown during a series, when and what mix is up to the squad CO.
  • Role = squad specific role or expertise, does not limit a/c types unless specific event rules are in place. Aid for Frame CO planning purposes.
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