S3 #72 - Compass To Crusader; NA 1940-42

Game Settings

  • Allied Players(purple) - 96 est
  • Axis Players(gold) - 80 est
  • Icons – d24 friendly, d8 range, d8 enemy plane
  • Winds – none
  • Clouds - heavy clouds above 24,000ft to keep fights at historic levels
  • Radar10 mile radius, grey dots, inflight arrow. Minimum alt is 300 ft.
  • Flak - all Flak is limited to 24,000ft in height.
  • Alllied Airfields(purple) - East of frontline and CVs.
  • Axis Airfields(gold) - West of frontline
  • Fuel Multipler - set at 1.0 for all planes.
  • Rebuild Time - 300 mins
  • Game Length – 180 mins
  • Lives – 1 life per frame
  • Game Scale - 1 squad = 1 historical unit and 1 frame = 1 set of operations.

Basic Rules

Initial Format - subject to change before the first frame.

Start Times - each frame uses the following schedule;

  • T+0 - Dawn - flight enabled for all a/c.
  • T+30 - Full light
  • T+160 - Dusk, last surface attacks completed all a/c must disengage ASAP.
  • T+180 - Dark, all squads must be in tower or land in the dark.

Operational Restrictions - each side may only conduct operations in the area outlined in the game map. From frame to frame expect the map to radically change as the historical fortunes of both sides did.

Airfield Basing - before the frame begins squads are assigned to airfields by the frame CO. Each squad has a step value and each airfield can base the following amount of steps. Squads may rebase during play but only to an airfield that has unused steps to allow such a move. Only pilots in trouble may land a town strip, no squads may base from them during play. Pilots trapped in the tower or that land a closed field must teleport to L1 or L2 and begin play from there. This represents reinforcements and the pilots then may redeploy to any open field.

  • town strip = 0 steps
  • grass field = 2 steps
  • small field or CV = 3 steps
  • medium field = 4 steps
  • large field = 6 steps

Squad Aircraft - each squad begins play with one a/c type, this is their default a/c and it is allocated at twice their average turnout(based on EOTS) for frame 1. For frames 2-5 a new a/c type is available and is allocated to each squad based upon a simple calculation; (previous frames turnout x 150%) - a/c losses. Squads will begin to aquire several a/c types as the frames progress and must keep track of them and use them wisely. If a squad runs out of a/c before the end of the series it must use its default a/c type which awards game points to the other side.

CV Aircraft - only those squads that have Swordfish(TBD) available may use the RN CVs as a base.

Truck Use - pilots that land a non-airfield location and can respawn must drive a truck to the nearest base to replane. Those pilots that land a town strip have the choice to replane their with an a/c or take a truck to another field that may be easier to launch from.

Targets -the available targets fall into four categories; airfields, supply, ground forces and shipping. Each frame will have a number of different supply targets indicated on the map by yellow hexagons which can be hit for game points. All enemy airfields(not town strips) can be hit for game points. Each frame a number of ground force movements are indicated for both sides on the map. These arrows will consist of a number of AI GVs or AAA that may be moving or stationary, all of which score points. Shipping routes are approximate but will have all types of shipping moving or docked in the area. Each side will have a battle fleet that can be attacked farther out to sea. All target damage is reset for the next frame as the map will see great changes between frames.

Penalty Planes - players that commit errors in basic rules and do not attempt to correct the error during play will have a penalty plane assigned to their squad. Examples include flying different a/c during a frame, teleporting fields when not allowed by special rules, gunning from ships or flak positions.

  • Allied Penalty Planes - Swordfish(TBD)
  • LW Penalty Plane - Ju87D

Squad Penalty Plane Tallies are kept in the PPlist.

Victory Points - are based upon target damage, planes shot down and pilots lost.

Victory Conditions - Victory conditions are cumulative and a winner is declared only after all the frames have been run for both series of the campaign. The total points for both sides are compared after all 10 frames;

  • 0-10 point difference is a draw
  • 11-20 point difference is a minor victory for the side with the greatest number.
  • 21+ is a major victory for the side with the greatest number.

S3 Clarifications - the S3 staff reserves the right to make a ruling on questions or game situations not answered completely or missed by the rules. For further clarification please post on the S3 forum or email Jabo.

[ Aircraft - Series Map - Player Rules ]